“Look Ma, no hands”, is now the law.
In a move to enhance road safety and reduce distracted driving crashes, a new Colorado law will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2025, that...

Why are our auto insurance rates so high?
Did you know that we’ve noticed an increasing number of claims involving unlisted drivers who should have been listed on the policy? As a...

Why Continuous Coverage Is So Important
What is Continuous Coverage: One of the things insurance companies consider when they quote an auto policy is the length of coverage in...

Preventing Against Slips, Trips and Falls This Winter
While slip, trip and fall hazards are present year-round, there is an increased potential for them in the winter months due to snow and...

How Product, Labor and Legal Trends Are Increasing Vehicle Insurance Rates
The fatigue that businesses are feeling, after multiple years of rising commercial auto insurance rates, is real. Factors ranging from...

Stay Safe in the Workplace
Safety is more than a set of activities focused on accident prevention. It is a way of thinking about how you work, and it should be at...

How Product, Labor and Legal Trends Are Driving Increased Vehicle Insurance Rates
The fatigue that businesses are feeling, after multiple years of rising commercial auto insurance rates, is real. Factors ranging from...

Comprehensive vs Collision Insurance
If you’re shopping for auto insurance coverages, you’ve likely come across the terms comprehensive and collision insurance. But you may...

Insurance Claims - What Do I Do?
What do I do if I need to make a claim on my insurance? Who do I call? What information do I need? The best piece of advice is to first...

Teen Drivers
As many of you know I have a passion for educating our teens and families on the importance of safety and insurance. A problem that...