Wind damage…isn’t that covered?

Most people think that if it happens at their home the home insurance policy will cover it. But sadly, there are limitations inside the policy for everything. Wind damage on the roof causing missing shingles is covered in most policies, but if the damage doesn’t exceed the deductible it would not make sense to claim it. A tree downed by a wind storm in the middle of the yard, not covered. Why you might ask? The tree is not a covered item on the homeowner policy UNLESS it causes damage to the home, vehicles, or other persons property. Trees and landscaping have limitations and in most cases will not be covered for the damage to them. But had this tree come through the roof absolutely this policy would have covered it and the debris removal to get it off the home. But since it is just down in the yard and no personal property is affected by the tree the clients will have to pay to have it removed and the rest of the tree taken down. Always call your agent before filing a claim. It is our job to help protect your assets.